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Are you considering a new investment and wondering about its environmental impact? r2eko will assist you in preparing the Environmental Project Information Sheet. This is an important document that analyzes the impact of your project on the natural environment. Learn what it contains and when it is prepared.
What is an environmental project information sheet?
The Environmental Project Information Sheet is an important document required in the planning of investments that may impact the environment. It includes:
- Description of the investment,
- Potential project variants,
- Analysis of the impact of the investment on the environment,
- Description of the natural environment in the area affected by the planned project.
The information sheet is an integral part of the application for an environmental decision for projects that can significantly affect the environment. To obtain an environmental decision, the project information sheet must be presented in written form. The competent authority, through the analysis of investment variants, the project’s impact on the environment, and the achievement of environmental goals outlined in the country’s strategic plans, indicates in the decision the least environmentally impactful variant.
The decision-making process is transparent and made public during the environmental impact assessment. In cases of significant public interest, consultations are organized.
When is an Environmental Project Information Sheet prepared?
The preparation of an Environmental Project Information Sheet is crucial for projects that may have a potential impact on the environment. It is required when a project is listed in the regulation of the Council of Ministers from 2019, which enumerates projects that may significantly impact the environment.
Among the projects that require the preparation of an information sheet are, for example:
- Construction of conventional power plants, combined heat and power plants, hydroelectric power plants,
- Construction of overhead power lines,
- Installations for heavy metal processing,
- Cement production installations,
- Distribution or transmission installations for crude oil,
- Extraction of minerals by open-pit and underground methods,
- Drilling for water supply,
- Construction of ship repair yards,
- Ski jumps,
- Bobsleigh tracks,
- Recreation centers,
- Hotels,
- Campgrounds,
- Construction of residential, commercial, shopping center, and amusement park developments,
- Airports,
- Roads,
- Tram lines,
- Inland harbors and ports,
- Sewerage networks,
- Afforestation and changes in land use in forests.
The size and location of the project, especially in relation to protected areas, determine whether an information sheet will be sufficient or whether a more detailed environmental report will be necessary.
Who can prepare an Environmental Project Information Sheet?
Anyone can prepare an Environmental Project Information Sheet, but it is recommended that it be developed by a specialist in the field of environmental protection. This is important due to the specificity of the subject and the need to analyze the impact of the planned investment on the environment.
For investments with transboundary impacts or the accumulation of impacts, specialized calculations and in-depth analysis are particularly important.
Creating an Environmental Project Information Sheet - Step by Step
- Analysis of client needs.
- Gathering necessary data and information.
- Drafting the document.
- Verification and consultations.
What information should be included in the Environmental Project Information Sheet?
The Environmental Project Information Sheet should include:
- Scope of the project,
- Location and technical parameters,
- Potential environmental impacts,
- Proposed remedial measures,
- Project implementation variants.
Benefits of a Professional Environmental Project Information Sheet
By having professionals prepare the Environmental Project Information Sheet, you can streamline decision-making processes in your company, increase the chances of obtaining necessary permits, and build trust among stakeholders.
How much does it cost to prepare an environmental project information sheet?
The cost of obtaining an environmental decision depends on the requirements for conducting natural inventory and other analyses.
Why choose our service?
At r2eko, we have extensive experience and specialized knowledge in the field of environmental impact assessment. We understand the complexity and dynamics of changing environmental regulations, allowing us to conduct a thorough analysis and appropriately classify projects.
Effective Process Management
We conduct a detailed analysis, thereby speeding up the investment process and helping to avoid unnecessary delays and complications.
Individual Approach
We approach each investment individually, supporting the investor from the beginning of the investment process. Our team of specialists from various natural and environmental protection disciplines can identify key details that may be crucial in the further implementation of the investment.
Comprehensive Approach
We are a company that can obtain all the necessary documents for you – from environmental decisions, through building permit decisions, to water permits.
Our experience ensures high-quality services and compliance with legal regulations.
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FAQ - Najczęściej Zadawane Pytania
Tak. Nie ma wymagań co do uprawnień autora karty informacyjnej przedsięwzięcia, jednak z uwagi na specyfikę i dokonanie szczegółowej analizy wpływu przedsięwzięcia na środowisko zaleca się wykonanie karty informacyjnej przedsięwzięcia przez specjalistę.
Uzyskanie obligatoryjnych dokumentów w postaci wypisów i wyrysów z rejestru gruntów oraz miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego zajmuje ok. 3 tygodni. W tym czasie zbieramy potrzebne informacje od klienta, przeprowadzamy ich analizę z uwzględnieniem dostępnych wyników archiwalnych badań oraz wykonujemy inwentaryzacje przyrodnicze, jeśli są wymagane. Niektóre inwentaryzacje prowadzi się przez dłuższy okres czasu.
Wykonanie karty informacyjnej przedsięwzięcia zależy zatem od stopnia oddziaływania przedsięwzięcia na środowisko, skali i rodzaju przedsięwzięcia, lokalizacji inwestycji w odniesieniu do obszarów chronionych ustanowionych na podstawie ustawy o ochronie przyrody. W najprostszych przypadkach wykonanie zajmuje okres ok. 1 miesiąca.
Nasza firma oferuje dwojaki sposób obsługi klienta. Możemy wykonać kartę informacyjną przedsięwzięcia, którą klient sam złoży do odpowiedniego organu. Jednak udzielenie nam pełnomocnictwa w celu reprezentowania przed organem - pozwala nam na złożenie wniosku o decyzję środowiskową w imieniu klienta. W obu przypadkach wspieramy klienta w razie ewentualnych wezwań o uzupełnienia.